Indian Veg Bhelpoori: -Good for your soul and your pocket- (3 Stars)

'Indian Veg Bhelpoori'. Only the name of this place is a declaration of intent. 'Indian', which means 'a bit spicy', and 'Veg', in terms of no meat.

This buffet is a real choice for veggie lovers, who can find a range of vegetarian dishes, such as salads, hot pots, mass potatoes, fried vegetables and other stuff.

Be ready to eat as much as you like in exchange of a reasonable price (£6.50 per person). The drink is not included. Just pick up any of its huge variety of juices, waters and soft drinks, or even you can bring your own beer or wine.

Taking into account these arguments, Indian Veg Bhelpoori is a good place to eat, to think about life (its walls are plenty of karma quotes) or to read a book by having a cup of house green tea.

Vegeterian food is good for your stomach, your mind and your soul.

92-93 Chapel Market, Angel Islington,
London N1 9EX
Phone: 020 7837 4607

@Asamoraga #Asamoraga
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